Todays date is 3/12/2025

Intake Runner and Peak Torque Calculator

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Intake Port to Torque Peak

  • Long Port Length: Improve low RPM range
  • Short Port Length: Improve high RPM range
  • Large Cross Section: Works better on larger CID and higher RPM
    • Too large of a cross section can cause reversion and less power
  • Small Cross Section: Works better on smaller CID and lower RPM
    • Smallest cross section without losing HP is the best size


Calculate Peak Torque RPM
   To find the rpm at which peak torque occurs for a given intake runner / engine.
Engine Displacement (cubic inches only) cubic inches
Number of Cylinders
Intake runner area square inches
Peak Torque RPM RPM (calculated)
Calculate Optimum Runner Size and Length
   To find the optimum intake runner area and length for a particular rpm.
Engine Displacement (cubic inches only) cubic inches
Number of Cylinders
Peak Torque RPM RPM
Optimum Intake runner area square inches (calculated)
Optimum Intake Length inches long (from valve head to plenum).

Intake Runner Area to Engine Size Match
   To calculate the engine displacement to match peak rpm and intake runner size
Number of Cylinders
Desired Peak Torque RPM RPM
Intake runner area square inches
Target Engine Displacement (cubic inches) cubic inches (calculated)

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